

The MyPiXXels’ Vision has two main objectives:
– Technological craftsmanship (“zero” km design)
3D printing if used in the right way can be a tool that offers the possibility to revolutionize and partially modify the concept of “industrial production”.
Today, for some product categories, the production chain requires a series of steps that for costs and typology of processing do not allow to address the issue beyond the digitized design of an idea. Often many projects are abandoned or not completed with a great waste of energy, time and money.
3D printing thus becomes the means by which a designer can give shape to his creativity, develop his own craftsmanship and express himself not only in terms of prototyping but also, and above all, of producing aesthetic objects in all and for all functional and working.
The scenario is that of a very smart, innovative and personalized production that takes into account the ecological aspect for the material used, PLA (polylactic acid), a polymer derived from plants such as corn, wheat or beetroot, and, for the entire production chain, the savings in terms of costs.
We are facing with a new system that saves on processing, transport and storage of goods keeping the possibility of a widespread distribution of the product.

In this scenario, in the near future, MyPiXXels products will travel through the bits of the network, offering to the customers the opportunity seeing realize and withdraw goods they bought directly at the place of sale;

– Circular Economy (Eco Design)
3D printing, if used in the right way, can be a tool that offers the possibility to imagine products from the beginning in a sustainable way with features of: durability, biodegradability, production with renewable and non-toxic resources. It allows to imagine the products destination at the end of their life in order to allow disassembly and re-use of materials in subsequent production cycles, reducing waste to the minimum.
The Circular Economy is a system that aims to: reuse materials in subsequent production cycles, minimizing waste thanks to the replacement of virgin raw materials with secondary raw materials coming from recovery chains; control and manage the return flows of products at the end of life; choose and create a sustainable production chain.

In this scenario, in the near future, MyPiXXels products will can be returned for plastic recovery, offering the customer the possibility to choose a new product in the catalog at a discounted price.